Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i♥faces - dramatic black and white

iheartfaces - dramatic black and white entry

A beautiful spring day as the sun is setting captured a stunning silhouette.

Check out the iheartfaces blog.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Progress: Recent

My Progress: Middle

My photography progress:


My Story

Amy Wenzel is an inspiring photographer. She will be hosting a workshop in May which I hope to attend. Check out http://iheartfaces.blogspot.com to learn more about her and her giveaway.

My Story

I'm Marla Webb, an amateur photographer from beautiful Southern Utah. I began getting very actively involved in photography (after having wanted to for years) about 1 year ago after a life saving surgery that will change my life forever.

You see, I've always wanted to get into photography. I married a wonderful man 25 years ago and have had three amazing children. I've always yearned to to record our family's journeys and memories, and I managed to do so with basic cameras, but only barely.

I've always had a slight problem with focusing and feeling well, but about 11 years ago, it became extreme and debilitating. I couldn't focus. I couldn't learn. I couldn't manage more than one task at a time. Every day was a fight just to survive. I was constantly exhausted, had severe headaches, and at one point, there were several weeks where I couldn't get off the couch as a result of overwhelming nausea and an excruciating migraine.

I visited doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, trying to find out what could be causing my illness. I knew what I was feeling wasn't right, wasn't normal. Eventually, after years of trying to find the cause and having it be attributed to everything from fibromialgia to depression, I gave up. I did what I could to make myself function as well as possible, but I was barely there.

Finally, one day when I was visiting my regular doctor about an unrelated issue, I mentioned my problems, and, on a hunch, he told me about a rare heart disorder that his father-in-law had just been diagnosed with and asked me to see a specialist hundreds of miles away. I did, and discovered I had the same condition. It's called a PFO and it essentially meant I had a hole in my heart causing toxic blood to continue to flow through my body, rather than being filtered.

Soon after, I had a surgery to repair the hole and have never felt so good in my life. I feel alive again. I am able to focus on more than just making it through the day and as a result, I've learned how to use a computer, to text, and best of all, to use my new DSLR camera. I feel like I'm me again.

So I've been spreading the word about this rare condition, and taking photos everywhere I go and of everyone I know. I've learned so much, but best of all, I've reconnected with my family and friends. I'm getting to know them again in a way that wasn't possible before.

My journey has inspired my daughter and my friends to become excited about photography and to enjoy life as it comes – to take what you have and go with it as you may be surprised how well things turn out.

Although I feel like I lost a decade of my life, over the past year I have been doing all that I can to make up for it. I'm trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can. As I make up for up for lost time and lost chances, I've learned to love everyday and do my best with what I have. That's why I hope to get the opportunity to go to the Amy Wenzel workshop this May. It would be an awesome chance to grow as a photographer and give me the confidence to open my own photography business. It would be an incredible way to mark the one year anniversary of getting my life, and my self, back.

Hello Everyone!

I've decided to create a blog for a few reasons. I have a regular blog, but I feel that I'm ready to start a blog specifically for my photography, to mark my progress and showcase my talents as I make the transition from amateur to professional photography. I will post a few photos and my story tonight and a lot more soon after.